
Get Signatures

Faster, Easier, and More Cost Effective

“Using sark was one of the best decisions using we made when we launching ours podcast. The audio quality is super sharp and the dashboard is so intuitive!”.

Rated 4.5/5d - from over 100 reviews

“It is a pure joy to record on Iris.fm, because it wonderfully clear, simple, and the most reliable. Iris delivers the best possible recording quality.”

Rated 4.5/5 - from over 100 reviews

“Sark makes inviting guests to join our podcast madesuper easy. No software to install. No meeting ID’s to remember. Just simple saved me hours in the day.”

Rated 4.5/5 - from over 100 reviews

Organize tasks & productivity

Fast track and responsive result

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Reach out a wide audience quickly

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Simple as 1, 2, 3

Prepare Your Document

Upload a file or save time with a template, then add your required fields.

Send It

Signers get an email, click on a link and see your document, on any device.

Get it Signed

We guide signers to complete all required fields and quickly add their signature.

Grow a business through the app

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Cut in scanning errors
0 %
Improved Audit efficiency
0 %
Fewer missing files
0 %
eSignature speed vs paper signatures
0 X
Average savings per document
$ 0


Seamless collaboration

Sign your own documents and send them to one or multiple signers. Always get your paperwork signed on time, by all parties.

Time-saving templates

Create templates for your documents once and use them again and again. Share templates with others in your team for extra hours saved.

Legal validation

Signatures, initials, dates, textboxes and checkboxes. Any data collected via Sig the site is legally binding.

Automatic reminders

You always know which documents are signed. And if someone hasn’t signed yet, they’ll get an automatic reminder.

Easy access & management

Digitally store all paperwork in one place that you can go back to in minutes. Stop legal, financial or HR nightmares before they happen.


Save time, save trees and save on paper goods. Reduce your carbon footprint and hit your company’s green goals.

Easily connect to tools you already use

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